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We resolve sexual abuse claims.

Sexual abuse causes human suffering, broken institutions and financial loss.

Burnett Risk Control, with empathy, unparalleled expertise and data analytics...

Promotes justice and healing through compassionate and efficient claim resolution.


Sexual Abuse Claims must be handled with compassion and balance. 

Claim resolutions that are supported with solid data are fair and just to all parties.


Burnett Risk Control International is lauded for their evenhanded and fair

approach to resolving these tragic claims.

We provide expert valuation, risk control and resolution services to abuse survivors, religious and non-profit entities, their respective attorneys, insurers and claims professionals throughout the U.S. and abroad.

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Healing is a journey, not a destination. We try to be the light that guides survivors to healing by making that journey as smooth as possible, with a firm foundation and a straight and true path.


We aspire to prevent abuse through effective risk control. But if abuse occurs, our claims

handling mitigates cost and promotes healing through expedited and compassionate resolution. 

Good stewardship demands nothing less.


Good intentions and "best practices" are not enough. Abuse prevention requires more than mere compliance with norms and mandates. We help you become successful at prevention and in claims handling beyond “best practices.” Investing in our expertise and experience today will help you prevent tragedy, heartache and financial loss tomorrow.


We offer a suite of expert services that promotes...

truth justice healing prevention OMG NEW
Sexual Abuse Claim Valuation

Accurate valuation is a critical component of proper claims handling and cost-effective resolution. Burnett Risk Control International utilizes

an extensive proprietary database of sexual abuse claims, settlements and verdicts.


Proper claim values support claim assessment, fair compensation and compassionate claim resolution. We achieve accurate values of 

sexual abuse claims to arrive at fair and just compensation.


We utilize the proprietary Burnett Database for our valuation calculations.

"Often, the best, most cost-effective and compassionate end to a sexual abuse claim includes fair and just monetary compensation. A fair settlement must reflect proper and accurate claim valuation."

Compassionate Resolution of Abuse Claims

Every child deserves to grow up in an environment

that is innocent and free from harm.

Sexual abuse is a tragedy visited upon children and vulnerable adults. We work with abuse survivors, plaintiffs' attorneys and defense attorneys, as well as institutions and insurers to resolve these sensitive claims in a kind and efficient manner. We aspire to effect the greatest measure of healing possible. This approach benefits abuse survivors and other stakeholders.

Burnett Risk Control International -- We are

the premier experts in preventing sexual abuse. 

Risk Management and Insurance Coverage



Michael Burnett is an experienced mediator of sexual abuse claims. Early engagement and just settlements promote healing and mitigate transaction costs. 



Independent reviews and audits of

personnel files, claims files, loss histories and other relevant materials help identify risks,

 establish safe environments and prevent abuse. 



Michael Burnett is an expert witness

and consultant in sexual misconduct claims and related insurance disputes.



Burnett works with stakeholders in the risk transfer endeavor, provides expert coverage analysis, and collaborates with insurers and insureds to

resolve sexual abuse claims.


The Burnett Database


of detailed
claim data


of detailed
claim data

of data points, 

plus claim-by-claim

legal analysis

of data points, 

plus claim-by-claim

legal analysis

100s of Thousands

of claims,


and verdicts

10s of Thousands

of claims,


and verdicts

10s of Thousands

to calculate

supportable valuations

to calculate

supportable valuations

Proprietary Metrics


Data Analytics

Michael Burnett
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Michael Burnett has been an attorney for over 30 years and is an expert in sexual misconduct claims. He is recognized as a trusted partner in the complex interplay between insurers, institutions and the abused, with a commitment to prevention and justice. Michael is also an expert in the valuation and resolution of sexual misconduct claims, utilizing his proprietary sexual abuse database and decades of expertise and experience. He helps institutions prevent sexual abuse and exploitation perpetrated against minors and vulnerable adults. With empathy and compassion, he has settled thousands of sexual abuse claims -- as valuation expert, consultant, advisor, mediator and coverage counsel.


Michael is a frequent speaker and author on sexual misconduct, insurance coverage and risk control.


Michael holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Notre Dame,

and a JD from Notre Dame Law School.

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